Selling donuts at school as a fundraiser allowed us to cover our expenses, such as renting a truck to pick up our trees. We also purchased books about Polar Bears and donated them to four school libraries. We felt this was a great way to educate lots of kids about the wonderful polar bear and their environmental troubles.
The Polar Bear International website introduced us to a wonderful book Santa Goes Green. It is a cute book about a boy who feels he doesn't need any material things for Christmas so he writes Santa a letter and asks him to help his adopted polar bear Leopold. The book has a great message and wonderful illustrations. The book even has a forward written by Polar Bears International CEO Robert Buchanan. We donated two copies of this book. One copy we donated to the Riverfield Country Day School library in honor of Cub Scout Pack 954 for their help in our environmental efforts. Another copy of Santa Goes Green was donated to the Holland Hall Primary School library

Riverfield library donation
We also donated two copies of The World of the Polar Bear by Norbert Rosing. This is a beautiful book full of stunning photographs and informative text. Copies went to both the Holland Hall Middle School and Upper School libraries. We were told the Middle School library did not have a book in their collection about polar bears. Lions, and tigers, but not bears, oh my!
The Polar Bear International website introduced us to a wonderful book Santa Goes Green. It is a cute book about a boy who feels he doesn't need any material things for Christmas so he writes Santa a letter and asks him to help his adopted polar bear Leopold. The book has a great message and wonderful illustrations. The book even has a forward written by Polar Bears International CEO Robert Buchanan. We donated two copies of this book. One copy we donated to the Riverfield Country Day School library in honor of Cub Scout Pack 954 for their help in our environmental efforts. Another copy of Santa Goes Green was donated to the Holland Hall Primary School library

We also donated two copies of The World of the Polar Bear by Norbert Rosing. This is a beautiful book full of stunning photographs and informative text. Copies went to both the Holland Hall Middle School and Upper School libraries. We were told the Middle School library did not have a book in their collection about polar bears. Lions, and tigers, but not bears, oh my!